Who is Red John?

Theories of Jenn Guy (6)

I think it's pretty obvious Heller is lying about many things. He said Red John is someone, who has been there from the start. On the list of 7, only Partridge and McAlister have been there from season 1.

So, Partridge is dead, Sheriff has to be RJ, or is he?

Bertram was introduced in the third season and that is not "from the start" in my opinion. Smith came into the series 2 years later in season 5. Then there's Kirkland, who has been introduced to us last season. Stiles has been there since season 2, if I remember correctly? Haffner also became a part of the show in season 4.

The list itself doesn't make much sense then. And I honestly don't believe it. I still think, RJ will be one of them, but Heller wants us to think that the list is fake.

My favourite from the start has been Sheriff, because he has been there from the start, smells things around him extremly good, is a great shooter and walks like a hunter, quietly. Also, his job wouldn't limit him doing all the killings.

But I'm not sure anymore. When he revealed the three dots tattoo, Patrick aimed the gun at him and he said "It's not what it looks like, I'm not Red John." I don't know if I think of RJ too highly, but RJ wouldn't said that. He wouldn't lie to Patrick's face.

Bertram looks like a good option right now. He didn't say a single word when he revealed the tattoo. He always carefuly chooses his words when he talks, we could say manipulatly.

Some things we already know also point to him. Heller said at the end of season 3, we would see Red John in the season finale. Bertram was there with Patrick, but left before the whole PJ - Carter dialogue began. Everyone thought Heller had Carter in mind, when talking about you're going to see Red John. What if he meant we're going to see Red John because Bertram was there?

Bertram also said in the first episode of season 6 to Lisbon and Patrick: "I am many things to many people." I think this sentence has a deeper meaning and we shruged it off to quickly.

Also, the first impression is the most important one. Patrick didn't feel good when he met Bertram. That is something to point out.

It could honestly be anyone, except Smith (IMO he joined the show too late) and let's hope we get an explanation about everything we want to know. Because there are a lot of things I am curious about!

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I am trying to think outside the box here people, so listen me out.

I hate reading those theories about "I actually think RJ isn't a person, but a number of people, blah blah."

But I had a breakthrough that explains almost everything: Reede Smith AND Brett Partridge are/were Red John!

Before you dismiss this, think about it! Who is the least suspected of the 7 suspect on the list? It's Smith. And who is the most suspected? Mr. Partridge!

Let me explain... I think, Smith and Partridge were working together as Red John. Smith was killing people (so he is the real Red John we're looking for) and Partridge was doing all the other things (calling Patrick, breaking in the CBI computer, visiting Sophie Miller). They kinda needed each other, because they complement each other perfectly!

A lot of us has been asking ourselves: "How did Red John suddendly become so sloppy?" I have also seen a lot of theories "RJ wouldn't hire an amater to bug the office."

Think about it. Before, there were two. Partridge was doing all the little things, but Patrick started suspecting him a little more. Maybe Smith got scared Partridge would say too much if Jane gets him alone, so he killed him. Why is his death important at the start of the series, like Heller suggests? Because, RJ no longer has a partner who would do the little things for him. He now has to do both, the killing and figure out what Patrick is planning. Before, it was Partridge who gathered information about Jane and Smith knew everything before it happened. Heller said we would be dissapointed, when we figure out how RJ was always a step ahed of Jane. This is significant, because not Jane has the leverage. And I truly believe he killed that girl in last week's episode.

That' why RJ has become so sloppy recently! He doesn't have the "brains", because he killed Partridge.

Also, Smith was clearly the superior in that meeting at the start of the season, when he was almost giving orders to Bertram. He is afraid of heights, that's clear to everyone. And he has a bad temper. Jane family got killed, because Jane said something bad about RJ on TV and within seconds, RJ raged, drove himself to their house and killed his family. I think he has grown as a character now and has become more calculative and isn't letting his emotions getting the best of him.

Also, he isn't thrown at us all the time, so that means something. I just can't figure out the connection to Visualize yet. If you know something that connects Smith to the cult, comment.

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I'm still going with McAllister as Red John.

The last episode shortened our suspects pool to just 3. And yes, I believe one of them is Red John. Sheriff has been my pick from the start and I'm sticking to it, eventhough Bertram is getting more and more suspicios.

Here are some of my questions. We heard Jane pulled the trigger. Did he actually shoot someone? Why did the house explode? Was that a plan from Patrick and everyone agreed or what? Who did Bertram call right after Lisbon and Jane gave him information about Red John?

I would count out Smith as RJ, because we saw him reaching for a gun. RJ wouldn't do that at that particular time. He enjoys games with Patrick. He wouldn't want to shoot him after his first threat.

I thought this episode is going to lead us closer to RJ. In a way, it did, but I have to admit, I'm more confused that I was before watching it.

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I think Heller had this all planned out perfectly. All red herrings are so perfectly thrown to you, you just have to bite. But I didn't!

Look. You have to admit Heller is a step ahead of us, for a reason. His aim was to suspect Haffner at this point, of course.

Everyone is so concentrated on the Sophie Miller's tape. And yes, this was a huge trap. This acrophobia acarophobia thing. That's the trap I'm talking about. Jane explained Lisbon that's a fear of heights and we clever guys figured out, it's actually a fear of bugs and now when we saw Haffner got scared of a little spider, we're all smart, cause we think we solved the case.

No we didn't. Sophie Miller wasn't sure about Jay Roth's phobia. This is Heller leading us into thinking Sophie got the phobia right, when clearly she put her options open and wasn't sure. And we yet blindly believe she is some mastermind who can see everything straight away.

If we can indeed trust RJ is on this list, I still think it's McAllister, cause he is the smartest of all the suspects.

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Sophie Miller gave a very important clue. He sat in the waiting room comfortably, calmly, wasn't annoyed or anything like that.

That clearly matches with the Sheriff's personality. Remember when Jane came in the room where he had a meeting with Bertram and Smith. Sheriff sat there calmly, like he has everything under control without showing it on the outside.

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I always thought the scene when Red John saves Patrick was way more important than we may think:



We all know Patrick has an extremly sharp eye and notices everything and I mean every single little thing.

My first thougt when watching this scene was: Patrick now knows who Red John is. They are staring at each other from 1:32 to 1:50 from litteraly 1 inch. Jane has too good of an eye not to notice something. At least the color of the eyes, the way RJ breathes, smells, walks, something. He wore a mask, I realize that, but he had openings for eyes. Just like they are on every mask. And the smile on Patrick's face at 2:43 when RJ leaves confirms that in my opinion. He noticed something.

I was, at that time, sure Partridge is RJ. The voice, the teasing coming back simillar to what Patrick did to him at the start of the episode... I'm just not sure Heller is sticking to this plan. I think Partridge was supposed to be Red John, but a lot of people figured that out too quickly, so there is a possibilty Heller changed the story and someone else would be THE guy we are all curious to guess. Or Heller thought we're so dumb we won't think of a possibilty that Partirdge faked his death. We'll see.

For me, the most important things, that point to Partirdge are: voice, the fact he is there from the very first episode and the most important one: Patrick feels very uncomfortable around him. I don't care about Sophie's or Rosalind Harker's description. I believe what I see. And Jane is always in control of people. Except Partirdge irks him, as he says. Jane also says that he feels on the crime scene when RJ is involved. So, he also feels the negative vibe when Brett is around. He just doesn't have anything to be 100% sure and is never truly alone with him.

I think Patrick knows who Red John is for a while, but he is playing the game, trying to trick RJ just like he does all the time with every other suspects at the crimes that occur during episodes.

Let's hope for a great ending to Red John saga and a fascinating continuation of the series, because it is just great!

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